We are a diverse gathering of clergy dedicated to reading sacred texts through an Anti-Racist and Anti-Supremacist lens. 

Welcome Back to the Devotional: And Intro to Advent with the Purple Rev.

Welcome Back to the Devotional: And Intro to Advent with the Purple Rev.

Our Advent Theme this year will be "Race, Incarnation and Embodiment." What does it mean to live in a marginalized or privileged body and what does that have to do with a God that is showing up to be with us and "be us"?

Advent 1 Reflection with Dr. Gabrie'l Atchison, PhD.

Advent 1 Reflection with Dr. Gabrie'l Atchison, PhD.

Resurrection and Re-Membering Martin Luther King Jr.

Resurrection and Re-Membering Martin Luther King Jr.